Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Banker become rich when he quits job

By Joel Escol

This is a very inspiring story for a banker-turned game developer Steve Demeter. He develops the now popular puzzle game “Trism” and makes a killing of his income out of his gaming hubby. Little did he knew that the past time gaming hubby have become his stepping stone to fortune.

Demeter was a former designer for ATM software working in a bank. In his spare time he pitched his idea to Apple Store, provider of applications for the iPhones and iPods projects. Apple made it available for download in July during the launch of App Store.

Trism made Demeter $250,000 in the first two months and he never expected it to happen to him simply because she is only dependent. He also did not expect many people would enjoy his game. But the result was amazing for Demeter.